Logic is a Shell proprietary geophysical sub-surface evaluation application. It has a long history dating back more than twenty years. It began as a VAX program which was later ported to UNIX and eventually Linux. A Motif front-end was added in the next phase of the project.
As a result of this genesis, Logic remains loyal to its screen-driven roots with more than 700 screens and 400 individual functionality features. Over the years, many enhancements have been made to both scientific and graphical, with the last major release in 2005. |
Interactive Log Edit
The Interactive Log Edit application allows the user to utilize several different methodologies to interactively edit project data (log data, lithologies and topsfile). The modified data can then be saved back to the project. The tracks on the left show an overview of the data with a zoomed-in version being displayed on the right. |
Interactive Depth Shift
The Interactive Depth Shift application provides the user with the ability to graphically correct log data to account for erratic log runs. A data overview is displayed on the left and the zoomed-in version on the right. Clicking and dragging on the log curves will compress/stretch the data segments giving the user the ability to correlate various features between the reference and shift curves. These shifts are saved in an offset curve which can then be applied to the remaining data curves in the project. |
LAS Previewer
The LAS Previewer application provides the user with a graphical representation of the LAS data file before actually loading the data into the project. Individual curves may be turned on/off and statistics are provided for the visible data ranges. |
Box Plot
The Box Plot application provides the user with a means of graphically correlating the data over various zones of interest. This correlation can then be used to normalize the data from different wells. |
Qt Data Browser (Proto-type)
The Qt Data Browser proto-type was used to evaluate the potential of using the cross-platform Qt GUI Toolkit as a replacement or compliment to the UNIX-based X/Motif. Although the data browser proved that Qt was an acceptable replacement, the estimated cost of porting the entire Logic application so late in the product life-cycle proved to be too much. |
XmHTML Help Viewer
The XmHTML Help Viewer provided a means of transitioning from purely text-based help files to more interactive HTML help files. A script was written to assist in the text-to-HTML conversion of the hundreds of associated help files.